Saturday, July 3, 2010

Of cougars and leopards

One of my more recent TV series addictions is Cougar Town. From the opening to finish scene of the first episode, I was hooked. Can’t say I’m surprised; I’ve always had a soft spot for Ms. Cox ever since I first saw her Gloria in Misfits of Science. And yes, I do find her hot. There, I said it.

Segueing into a slightly (by way of theme being ‘dating’) related note, I’ve recently reinvigorated my dating pool. Yes, I know it is crass calling it that but needs must. And no, tricks do not apply here. 

In a case of life mirroring art, I find that my current—attractions, shall we say?—all are decidedly on the younger side of 30. While it shouldn’t raise many eyebrows I do grapple with my own prejudice that youth equals callowness. It is through my own experiences and observations that youngsters in general are a thoroughly stupid lot. Stupid, as in they can’t help those foolishness and pratfalls. Being ignorant on the other hand, just invite contempt in buckets. And Lordy, it’s well-known that I don’t suffer fools willingly, nor do I possess capacious patience! 

Now, I know dating someone 27 years old doesn’t necessarily make me a lecherous old man I was nearly sent into cardiac arrest when one of my dates informed me that he just turned 21. I should’ve known when he didn’t get the Punky Brewster references. Or the one from Thundercats. 

But yes, parents do be warned this leopard is back on the prowl—and beginning to appreciate the intriguing pull of the younger set!

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I’ve recently went out on a date. At least, date is the polite word I’m using since there might be gentle-bred ladies present.

Without going into too much detail, all I will say are the following:
1. Shower first. Or at least put on some cologne.
2. Dress well, to fit the occasion. Often overlooked – footwear! Shoes often can make or break an outfit.
3. Don’t interrupt your date by leaving the scene, indulging in lengthy phone conversation or both.
4. Keep the name-dropping to a minimum. If 3 times saying you work with Jamie Oliver didn’t get her lifting her skirt, or him dropping trou, move on.
5. Leave the rah-rah crowd behind. Unless pressed, don’t ram your entire social calendar down your date’s throat. If you haven’t even kissed by the 3rd date, what makes you think she/he wants to ingratiate themselves into your social circle?
6. Breeding shows. Yes, it is a throwback to those elitist times but this one is a bonus. And in contemporary times, everyone can behave like a gentleman or a lady without being styled a peer of the realm. And no, insisting to people you come from the top drawer does not a class act make.

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Now, on the general topics of cougars and dating I’m still on the fence on the whole age thing. How young is too young? And conversely, how old is too old? You see the Chihuahua/St. Bernard couplings and you see Methuselah/Persephone combo. It’s an equal toss up if one wants to go all aquiver and rhapsodise over love bringing such disparate people together, or one can vomit all over at the perceived grossness. I suppose it all depends on the parties participating. I bemoan the fact that people my age prefers younger mates, while I stave off unwanted attention from those with daddy/big bro complex. 

Perhaps it’s time to relaxed the age band slightly and see what develops?

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